Why Us?

******At the heart of our commitment to providing
exceptional immigration solutions stands our trusted

  • Career Advice

    Within the backdrop of a fast changing professional and market scenario, we guide you to ensure that you are making the right Career choices for you keeping in view your background and individual profile.

  • Country Selection

    Ensures that your country choice is consistent with your future planning as appropriate.

  • University Selection

    Assistance into those universities that would best suit your Personal, Academic and Financial Profile or Constraints. The advice provided is non-commercial and is not limited to the Universities we represent.

  • Course Selection

    Personal guidance to help choose courses that match your Career and Personal Goals.

  • Admission Formalities

    Highlight the areas essential for a well-presented, error free application. Assistance with References and the ‘all-important’ Statement of Purpose. Assess your English, and where appropriate, recommend a waiver of the IELTS / TOFEL exam to the universities. Follow up with the chosen universities and ensure a positive and quick response. Recommendations, highlighting the student’s strengths and reasons why he/she should be granted admission are sent. The Universities Admission Tutors consider this in their decision making.

  • Accommodation

    Counselors will give you valuable advice on the accommodation types to suit your needs and budget.